Using Moist Wipes

Perhaps the most important thing you can do to prevent anal stain is to use moist wipes. Moist wipes will prevent the formation of future stains, of which your delicate areas will be especially susceptible to in a sensitive post-bleaching state (for example, rough toilet paper may hurt more than normal). Even when you are not engaged in the bleaching process, you should treat your anus and genital areas with special care and consideration. 

Baby wipes can work if you have some handy. However, they are very inconvenient because you can’t flush them down the toilet. Cottonelle Moist Wipes are the most sanitary and discreet choice. They can be flushed down the toilet without clogging your plumbing. 

After a bowel movement, use the moist wipe instead of toilet paper. Clean around the anus as well as just inside of it. Make sure not to cause yourself any discomfort.

You can get moist wipes and moist wipe refills rather inexpensively at